Darrell DugginsDarrell was born December 25, 1961, and was raised in a small town called Walnut Cove, N.C. He is a former member of Wayside Baptist Church, Caanan Baptist Church, and Dennis Baptist Church, all of Walnut Cove. Darrell attended Gospel Light Christian School in Walkertown, N.C. where at 10 yrs old accepted Jesus as his Savior. At the age of 13, his mother ( Pat) moved with Duke Power from Belews Creek, N.C. to the Duke Power Nuclear plant just outside of Rock Hill, S.C.

In 1978, Darrell met Tricia (His beloved Romana) and his lovely wife of 37 years. They have 3 children and 7 grandchildren. Darrell formerly sang lead (10 yrs) with The Heritage Quartet out of Lancaster, SC, and 1 yr with Forever Changed based in Lexington, SC. Darrell is a member of and leads worship at Emmanuel Church Of The Nazarene in Rock Hill. SC when he is not on the road singing with Molded Clay.

The Lord laid on Darrell’s heart to form “Molded Clay” in late December of 2016. Please pray for Molded Clay that we’ll ALWAYS be found humble and faithful as we follow God’s leadership and direction in this ministry.